Upcoming Meeting

Upcoming Meeting

Date/Time: Thursday, May 9, 6:30pm-8:00 pmLocation: Eden Lutheran Church Banquet Hall, 4725 Brockton Ave, Riverside, CA 92506.  Join us Thursday, May 9, 2024: Drinks and light snacks provided. FREE EVENTOpen to Every Wood Streets Neighbor, Businesses, Church, Organization, ALL City, County and State Representatives! Bring a Neighbor! NOWS, Neighbors of the Wood Streets meetings are a great opportunity to voice…

NOWS General Meeting, Thur., September 8th

NOWS General Meeting, Thur., September 8th

Neighbors of the Wood Streets (NOWS)  GENERAL  MEETINGThursday, September 8, 2022, at 6:30 pm. Where: Eden Lutheran Church, 4725 Brockton Ave.Snacks and beverages will be provided. NOWS, Neighbors of the Wood Streets meetings are a great opportunity to voice neighborhood concerns, find out what’s happening locally, and most importantly, meet your Wood Streets neighbors. Get involved! We…



NEIGHBORS OF THE WOOD STREETS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14th, 20216:30 pmGENERAL MEETING VIA ZOOM Thursday, October 14th, 2021, at 6:30 pm.Neighbors of the Wood Streets (NOWS) GENERAL ZOOM MEETINGMEET YOU IN THE CLOUD…Where: Your home or wherever you have internet access to sign into a virtual Zoom meeting.SPECIAL GUESTS:1. Steve Lech, Chair-City of Riverside Cultural Heritage Board;…

2024 National Night Out, Neighbors of the Wood Streets. 🌮🍻🌮🍻🧑‍🚒🚒👮🚓
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2024 National Night Out, Neighbors of the Wood Streets. 🌮🍻🌮🍻🧑‍🚒🚒👮🚓

SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday, October 1, 2024, 5:30pm-8pm. All Neighbors of the Wood Streets Invited. Address: 4343 Brentwood Ave, Riverside, CA 92506-1061 FREE Event by NOWS Riverside CA. Come and Celebrate National Night Out with your Wood Streets Neighbors and members of your local police and fire departments.  Bring the entire family for FREE: CATERED TACOS, STARBUCKS &…

End of year social

End of year social

Great opportunity to voice neighborhood concerns andfind out what’s happening locally…and most importantly,MEET YOUR NEIGHBORS!  Please bring recyclables, as NOWS charges no dues.Recyclables is one way that we raise funds.Proceeds help support Wood Streets activities andlocal Riverside community groups. Thursday, November 15, 20183564 Ramona Drive(RCC Alumni house)non-permit parking allowed on Ramona for this event6:00 pm…