Upcoming Meeting
Date/Time: Thursday, May 9, 6:30pm-8:00 pm
Location: Eden Lutheran Church Banquet Hall, 4725 Brockton Ave, Riverside, CA 92506.
Join us Thursday, May 9, 2024:
- Group Homes in the Residentially Zoned Wood Streets
- City updates from Councilmember Philip Falcone
- Neighborhood crime updates from RPD
- Wood Streets Movie Night Update-Saturday, May 18th, 7:45 pm
Drinks and light snacks provided.
Open to Every Wood Streets Neighbor, Businesses, Church, Organization, ALL City, County and State Representatives! Bring a Neighbor!
NOWS, Neighbors of the Wood Streets meetings are a great opportunity to voice neighborhood concerns, find out what’s happening locally, and most importantly, meet your Wood Streets neighbors.
NOWS, Neighbors of the Wood Streets
For the May 9 meeting:
Could there be some discussion with Councilman Falcone regarding the recent council action on the Short Term Rental regulations?